
date of expiration中文是什么意思

  • (有效)期满日期
  • 满期日
  • 失效日期, 限期, 截止日期
  • 药品有效期
  • 有效日期



  • 例句与用法
  • Is the date of expiration of the certificate
    的数据类型为int 。
  • However , because derivatives have a date of expiration , the level of risk is greatly increased in relation to their term
  • If an extension becomes necessary , a right owner shall file for an extension within three ( 3 ) months prior to the date of expiration
  • It may be extended at three months ' notice by either party prior to the date of expiration if both parties agree on
  • Article 62 : the first creditors ' meeting shall be convened by the people ' s court and held within 15 days from the date of expiration of the claim filing period
  • The number of the autograph column that credit card must not tell a family card name date of expiration and card are rear , the risk that is stolen in that way is very high
  • Starting from sometime , all things existing in this wild world , like sam - ma , canned meat and even plastic wrap , have been labeled with a date of expiration , and that has triggered my diffidence in the permanent validity of anything on this planet
  • B 、 starting from sometime , all things existing in this wild world , like sam - ma , canned meat and even plastic wrap , have been labeled with a date of expiration , and that has triggered my diffidence in the permanent validity of anything on this planet
  • The term of this agreement shall commence on the effective date and ( shall expire on the later of the anniversary thereof or the latest date of expiration or termination of any schedule entered into prior to such third anniversary
    本协议项下条款于生效日起开始实施,其生效期间不得延长至生效之日起的第三年(生效期间以周年计满周年终止,如本协议规定的任何终止之日与周年不一致的,以该日为协议条款的终止之日。 )
  • 2 the financial year of the company shall begin on 1st january and end on 31st december of each year , save that the first and last financial years shall respectively begin on the date that the company ' s business licence is issued and end on the date of expiration or earlier dissolution of the company
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
date of expiration的中文翻译,date of expiration是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译date of expiration,date of expiration的中文意思,date of expiration的中文date of expiration in Chinesedate of expiration的中文date of expiration怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
